Thursday, April 14, 2022

Please Write Comments


My Happy Followers!

Testimonials and Comments are the Life Blood of any Blog, YouTube Channel, and Amazon. There is so much you can do to help for FREE. To LIKE & SUBSCRIBE is so easy, and it helps sooooooo much!

We all enjoy so much free information, but there are people on the other end of all that DATA.

"LILY of Phantom Song Series", My new graphic Novel


My Graphic Novel Series

"Phantom Song" Lilly is the first in my Graphic Novel Series. OBVIOUS PROBLEM; I need someone interested in helping me with the artwork. Although I studied Art, that doesn't qualify me to illustrate an entire Novel. Also, I need only three illustrations to begin; the front cover, the hero/Phantom in action, and the Phantom and Lilly in love. Through this, I have several Agents interested in the rest of the series (fingers crossed).

My NEW YouTube Channel: TERRESTRIAL X10


Terrestrial X10 - YouTube

My new YouTube Channel will be about the research I'm doing for my "Children of the Moon Queen" series and much more. What makes this Channel so different is that I want to look at things as an artist instead of as a Scientist. We will look at things as a creator using our Imagination. Please join me there!
Plus, if I can gather 10,000 subscribers, then Editors, Publishers, and Literary Agents will, at the bare minimum, give me the time of day. LOL

"Children of the Moon Queen: Book 1 Exotic Matter"


My Book Series & Upcoming Publishing

"Children of the Moon Queen" - Book 1 Exotic Mater is the first book in my new Sci-Fi series. It is a book series about mysterious creatures and extraterrestrials already here. They let us see them now if you believe and can be trusted. I have Book 1 finished, and I'm working on getting an agent interested. But If that doesn't happen, no worries, I will not give up. I'll self-publish if necessary. Also, I have Book 2 in rough draft format. I hope you are interested in this series. Please contact me if you are an agent or know someone who can teach me about this process. I would love to send a PDF of the first chapter. Thank you.

Book Covers

  Book Covers I Love: The book covers so inspire me. I always create a cover when my book idea is stuck in my head. I go online and search f...